Oxygen free transfer 07/12/2022 ByGeorge Bestptich Worked great first time I used it, just for transfer. Second time I filled my Fermentor, pitched my yeast and put on the the oxyfree transfer set up. Forgot to pull the bottom of thetube up over the top of the liquid level of wort. Next morning I got up and checked my fermentor and all the wort siphoned out on to the floor. What a dummy I was , that won’t happen again I will continue to use the system and make sure I keep the bottom of the dip tube way above the top of the wort.
Speidel Pressure Transfer System06/21/2021 ByAndrew Matthews Brewing used to mean lifting five to ten gallons of hot wort, waiting for gravity to do its thing, siphoning cooled wort into a car boy, finally lifting the carboy into a fermentation chamber then lifting it out to siphon my new brew into my kegs.
Pumps and hoses took care of the hot side, but NORCAL Brewing Solutions Speidel Pressure Transfer System is a game changer for the cold side.
Once fermentation is complete, I can have CO2 push my new brew into my kegs and it never touches air! I don't even have to lift my fermenter (who wants to lug ten gallons of beer) out of my fermentation chamber (15 cu/ft chest freezer)! I just attach a CO2 hose and the beer hose to the nicely machined stainless steel fittings and add a little pressure. The CO2 pushes your beer into the keg, as the keg fills, it displaces the the little CO2 you start with in the keg. Beer for CO2, now that's a great trade!
There is a little bit of assembly required, but that is nothing compared to the ease of use.
Straight forward 08/04/2020 ByNathan In one day I racked 9x 40 gal batches of wine. I'd start the transfer, clean/sanitize a barrel, have a bit of time to break, then get the next batch ready for transfer. All by myself. 30 minutes total time each, but really 15 minutes-ish actual gas on fluid flowing. I could get that time lower if I tried. It can also be used to start flow then open air gravity siphon, but it does take longer. Probably going to buy a 2nd one. Maybe buy a spare mating flange, I dropped it first thing and bent it, a hammer and vise did fix it though.
Great 11/25/2019 ByKen Kashuba All of the equipment I ordered arrived in a timely manner, and works great!
Replaces air lock at top of Speidel fermenter. Connecting lock-ring sold separately as part of OEM Spigot. This model racking cane length is insufficient to reach the bottom of 120L Speidel Fermenters; new sizes coming soon!